One Conversation Can Make All The Difference

Word of mouth is our most effective outreach tool to potential Comebackers. Graduate Philadelphia’s Ambassadors encourage their friends, neighbors, and colleagues to return to college and complete their degrees by sharing their personal stories and information about how Graduate Philadelphia supported them through the process. Ambassadors reach out to their communities about how to return to school, provide presentations for current Comebackers, and interact with potential Comebackers at Graduate Philadelphia events. By talking about their own journeys through college, Ambassadors reduce the stress surrounding the college process and inspire others to believe in their ability to return to college and achieve their dreams.

Proud of your college success? Want to give back to your community? All Comebackers who have graduated or are close to graduation are eligible to be Ambassadors.

To become an Ambassador, invite an Ambassador to speak at an event, or talk to an Ambassador, please contact:


Graduate Philadelphia


Become An Ambassador Today!