Are you ready to return to college? Do you need assistance finding a college and program that’s right for you? Graduate Philadelphia advisors provide guidance on filling out and filing financial assistance forms, getting academic support, navigating your work and family schedules, completing your paperwork, improving your study skills and staying in school. From the time you decide to return to college all the way until you graduate, we can help!
Our no cost services support adults throughout the region to enroll at any one of our partner colleges, or at any college of your choice. Graduate Philadelphia students receive application fee waivers from partner institutions, and can meet with college advisors onsite at a Graduate Philadelphia location or by email or phone.
The first step is the hardest, but you can do it! We will be there for you every step of the way until you graduate! Start your journey back to and through college with our helpful steps or come visit us. To register for individual advising services, please click here. Find out about our colleges and connect to a college advisor by clicking on our partner college logos below.