Philadelphia has many organizations that promote college access and college completion. In an effort to serve even larger numbers of residents, Graduate Philadelphia partners with them with the goal of expanding the reach of existing services and events to individuals who can benefit from assistance in returning or transferring to college and completing their degree. Graduate Philadelphia advisors also share information on career exploration tools and how individuals can participate in career-oriented activities such as internships and work-ready workshops.

Graduate Philadelphia recognizes the strategic opportunity in coordinating, planning, promoting and hosting events with partner organizations in an effort to share information about services and practices with individuals who want to go back to and through college. Additionally, Graduate Philadelphia promotes increasing awareness and access to services and opportunities through shared communications.

If you’d like one of our College Success Advisors to collaborate on an event, make a presentation or lead a workshop, please complete this form.

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Graduate! Philadelphia helps organizations disseminate information on relevant events through our social media networks.

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